Legend of the Wolfgaard

As the Roman legions swept across the European countryside at the turn of the last millenium, conquering and co-opting the will and lands of the clan chiefs, they brought with them many alien beliefs; the Greek pantheon and later, Christianity.

The Druids would have accepted Roman rule had it not been for their foreign gods. They would not relinquish the worship of their own elemental forces of nature, so they joined together to form an avenging avatar of power. The WolfGaard, summoned by ancient magic, created to stop the encroaching Roman influence before it reached the druidic heartland of Hibernia…


This was the web page

The WolfGaard, a collection of disembodied spirits of clan warriors who had fallen in battle defending against Romans, Kurghans, Picts, and Barbarian invasions reaching far into the past. These spirits had been bathed in remorse and dispair since the moment they had been taken from temporal existence. Now the power of their eternal suffering is led by the spirits of sacrificed druidic royalty to inhabit the bodies of wolves who sneak into the Roman camps on the night before the attack to slaughter the centurions in their sleep. The next morning, all cohorts are left leaderless and are defeated by the clan onslaught.

WolfGaard is our avatar of power, designed to slow the encroachment of an irresistible flood of pop music and decay that threatens the very core of rock & roll, helping to ensure that the spirit of rock will live on. Maybe WolfGaard won’t slaughter you in your sleep, but we WILL rock your socks off.

This is the micro-story I wrote for the launching of the band…

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